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A Deep Dive into Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy, in its various forms, involves the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body.

In this article, we will focus on one specific route: intravenous chelation therapy (IV chelation). This method, which utilizes intravenous infusion, has gained prominence for its potential to address a range of health concerns. You will learn more about this IV therapy, exploring its benefits, processes, and the scientific evidence that underpins its effectiveness.

What is Chelation IV Therapy?

Chelation IV therapy involves the intravenous administration of a chelating agent, typically ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), which binds to heavy metals and minerals in the bloodstream.  By doing so, it facilitates their removal from the body, potentially promoting improved circulation and overall cardiovascular health, and in turn some cases, helping improve cognitive functions.

Chelation IV therapy is typically administered over a course of multiple sessions, giving time in between each session for the body to rest.

What can Chelation IV Therapy help with?

1.  Heavy Metal Detoxification

The most common application of chelation is for removing heavy metals from the body.  Individuals exposed to heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, or arsenic, can benefit from chelation therapy. It aids in eliminating these toxins from the body, preventing potential health issues associated with heavy metal accumulation and reduction of inflammation.

2. Cardiovascular Health

Chelation therapy is often used as an adjunctive treatment for cardiovascular conditions. Research suggests that it may help reduce the risk of heart disease by removing calcium deposits from arterial walls, leading to improved blood flow and reduced blood pressure.

3. Improved Cognitive Function

Cognitive impairment from heavy metal toxicity is well documented.  Some studies propose that chelation therapy might have a positive impact on cognitive function, especially in individuals with heavy metal toxicity-related cognitive impairments.

What can I expect during and after a Chelation IV Therapy?

Chelation IV therapy typically takes around an hour to administer.  The nurse will insert an IV line into your vein and the chelating agent will be slowly infused.  Depending on your lab results, a full course of chelation can be between 5 – 20 individual sessions spread over many weeks.

Some people will experience mild headaches, body aches, tiredness and nausea in the hours immediately after the session.  This depends on the levels of heavy metals present in the body, how many sessions have already been administered, and how well the body tolerates the chelate. 

Following up the chelation therapy with a mineral IV a few days later will help the body recover quicker.   Chelation does not target specific heavy metals or minerals, thus lowering the ones we want to keep as well, so replenishing minerals and hydration may help with recovery.

Who Might Benefit from Chelation IV Therapy?

  • People with a history of cardiovascular issues or are at risk of heart disease, particularly if they also are at risk of or have diabetes.
  • Those who have been exposed to heavy metals due to environmental factors or occupational hazards.
  • Anyone seeking a complementary approach to improve overall well-being and cognitive function.


Chelation IV therapy, when administered under professional supervision, can be a valuable addition to holistic healthcare practices. At Live More, we prioritize the dissemination of accurate and evidence-based information to empower our guests in making well-informed decisions about their health.

If you are considering chelation IV therapy or have further questions about its potential benefits, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.